Running a small business can be both rewarding and challenging. Entrepreneurs often find themselves wearing multiple hats, from operations manager to salesperson. However, when it comes to legal matters, it's crucial to seek professional assistance.
Understanding Commercial General Liability Policies
As a business owner, you're well aware of the potential legal and financial risks that can arise from daily operations. It's crucial to have an understanding of Commercial General Liability Policies, the protection they offer, and how they function.
Top 5 Legal Issues That Small Businesses Face
Navigating the legal landscape as a small business owner can be a daunting task. The complexities of law and the potential for litigation can feel overwhelming, especially when you're trying to focus on growing your business.
Preparing for Business Litigation
As a business owner, few experiences are more distressing than entering into litigation with an opposing party. In order to be successful at navigating this challenging and often costly process, it's essential to ensure you are adequately prepared.
Important Steps to Take When Your Business Is Being Sued
When you own and run your own business, it’s not uncommon to encounter legal issues. One of the most difficult of these is when your business is being sued. Even if you think the lawsuit is unwarranted or that you’re clearly in the right, you should never try to handle this on your own.
What Happens When an Employment Contract Is Breached?
Running a business is hard work. You have to stay on top of every facet of your operations, and this includes all contracts, whether they be with suppliers, contractors, or clients. However, perhaps the most important legal agreement that you can make is an employment contract. These contracts must be well written and thoughtfully constructed to ensure both parties are informed about the employment agreement and that your interests are protected should a dispute arise.
The Importance of Shareholder Agreements for Corporations
When starting a business, many business owners fall into the trap of thinking that everything will always go smoothly. They think there will be no conflicts because everyone seems to be on the same page about the company’s future. However, no business is immune from disputes and issues, which is why having a shareholder agreement is crucial to protect your company from any possible setbacks, including but not limited to unexpected exits, unregulated transfer shares, and litigation.
The Key to Drafting an Enforceable Shareholder Settlement
Shareholders of a business enterprise take risks. They invest money and resources and count on getting a solid return on their investment. Because there are inherent risks, the best tool shareholders and the business can have is a carefully crafted shareholder settlement agreement.
Should You File a Derivative or Direct Shareholder Lawsuit?
As a shareholder in a company, you can file a derivative or direct lawsuit on behalf of or against the company. Many shareholders do not understand the difference between these two types of lawsuits. However, it is imperative that you know what a derivative and direct shareholder lawsuit entails to ensure that you take appropriate legal action in your particular case.
The Importance of Indemnity Clauses
Anytime you enter into a contract with another party, whether by yourself or as a representative of your business, you need to ensure that the contract language is legally binding and covers all eventualities should either party fail to uphold their obligations.